How Many Quantities to Order for Buying Wholesale for a Small Clothing Store?

Nov 19,2021

wholesale clothing order quantity

Buying wholesale clothing for a small clothing business might be confusing for those starting out in the clothing industry for the first time. To establish a modest boutique, you don't need to spend a lot of money on stocking the shelves and racks with clothes. We've learned a few things along the way that we'd want to pass along to help you avoid some of the pitfalls many people ran into. Here,we will tell you how many quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store.







Before Getting Started

Inventory sometimes is a liability, and you don't want to end up with more than you can sell. You want to get the most profit for your buck with every dollar you spend.




Before solving the problem of how many quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store, try to consider visiting a competitor or a store that sells a similar product line to yours before you buy wholesale merchandise. Look at their product offerings and observe the brands they carry. Analyze what products are selling well and which are on clearance.  


Generally, if a style is available in a variety of colors, you'd better not buy all of them. Simply select a neutral color or one or two of the types you believe your buyer will prefer.




Consider putting up unified collections for your online shop. You want to make it easy for your customer to shop by giving things that can be worn together. By stocking your shop in this manner, you’ll be able to sell numerous things at once and promote more repeat customers who trust your curation.


Before we answer the question of how many quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store, you should first understand these wholesale terms.


Pack Ratio


To understand the options available to you, you must first understand what a pack ratio is. In the clothing industry, a pack ratio is a package that includes different sizes of a certain style of clothing. This type of packaging is offered by most wholesale apparel vendors. Since the "open stock" option is not available, this means that most of the time you will not be able to select the sizes and quantities that you prefer.



In general, a pack includes 6 garments of a single style. Clothing from wholesalers usually comes in prepackaged clothing styles, so the sizes you receive will depend on whether they are set packs or custom-cut packs. You must purchase a case pack in order to order an item. There are usually six pieces in a case pack. For example, a case pack of a particular top can be sold in 2-2-2 (2 Small, 2 Medium, 2 Large) or in 3-2-1, which means you need to pack 3 small sizes, 2 medium sizes and 1 large size together. If you order in packs, you can easily track what styles and sizes you have and you can always restock if a size runs out.



Custom Packs


It is not uncommon to find vendors that offer two small packets, two medium packets, and two large packets, which, in some cases, is defined as 2:2:2. According to the buying power of your organization and the minimum order conditions, you may also be able to order packs that are not cut the same way as those described above. In spite of the fact that they are still in ratios, you still have the option of ordering more of certain sizes within the package at your discretion. There is a possibility that a wholesaler will offer customized packs under certain circumstances. However, if you have a good relationship with the wholesaler and are willing to negotiate, there is a chance that this could happen. 






The Definition of MOQ


It is usually the stock of a company that is its greatest asset in terms of ecommerce. MOQ is relative to the quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store. Whether you are in the business of selling directly to consumers or a business that deals with businesses (see what is a B2B business), I would have to say that you probably prefer large orders to small orders. That is where the MOQ (minimum order quantity) comes into play.





A lot of manufacturers utilize the minimum order quantity (MOQ) as a way to ensure that they can earn a profit by manufacturing a sufficient amount of products in order to meet the needs of their customers. It is for this reason that you always buy a dozen eggs at a time instead of buying an egg at a time. The buyer is welcomed by a MOQ because it lowers the barrier to entry, and they don't have to spend much money on inventory.



In order to qualify for a minimum order quantity, you must purchase the smallest number of pieces you are permitted to purchase in a single order. As a general rule, MOQs are most commonly used by manufacturers and suppliers in conjunction with production runs, but merchants can also set MOQs for different types of orders as well.




For example, a manufacturer’s MOQ may be 1,000 pieces, meaning you can buy no less than 1,000 pieces of inventory at a time. Besides, a brand may have an MOQ requirement for wholesale or retail partnerships, where they require a minimum of 100 pieces or $1000 worth of clothes to be purchased together.



Fortunately, there are a number of manufacturers and suppliers that offer wholesale clothing without a minimum order quantity, such as FondMart, which means that you can buy the clothing you like even if it is just one piece without having to comply with the rules of packing ratios. You are free to choose any quantity to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store.




The Quantities to Order for Buying Wholesale


To be honest, the quantity of a product sold to a store differs depending on a variety of factors.



Demand forecasting is a technique used by merchants who are purchasing inventory to predict how many pieces of inventory they will sell in the future based on factors such as the product type, the competition, and even the season.



It might seem as a good idea to store bulk inventory for years on end in a warehouse as it collects dust, but that may not always be a profitable approach.




A change in demand over time is referred to as an upward or downward trend. For instance, during the summer months, there is a noticeable seasonal trend in the sale of bikinis. The company uses this information to know that the number of orders will increase as winter draws near and then decline once the season has arrived.




As for the quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store, our recommendation is to purchase from the low MOQ or NO MOQ wholesalers and decide the quantity of you clothes according to your target customers and trends of the local market. In case you are just starting out, you do not need to buy racks and racks of clothes. If you are looking to increase the value of your inventory, you should never add more to it than what you can sell. If you have a small clothing store, then you'd be wise not to stock up on so many clothes in advance.



In this way, FondMart is an excellent platform for you with NO MOQ and affordable price of wholesale clothing, which helps you solve your problem of how many quantities to order for buying wholesale for a small clothing store. Last but not the least, there are over 2000+ suppliers and manufacturers for you to select the fashionable wholesale clothing for women, which will be delivered very fast to you.




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